The Nerds are delighted to introduce our very first Social Innovators in Residence: Nick Harvey-Cheetham and Maia Rowan.

Maia comes to us from the Industrial Design program at Emily Carr, now working as an independent designer. Her projects are always thoughtfully put together and culturally relevant. One of her super powers is empathetic observation. Seriously. After her residency here, she’ll be heading up the Junior Design Office this summer at Emily Carr. You can see her work here.

Nick comes armed with a degree in Anthropology from UBC, and a ton load of comedy and improv performance and event production. Apparently he has performed in over 11 types of building, including a hockey arena, a synagogue and a metal bar. After his stint with us, he’s heading to California for an intensive introductory Architecture course. You can see his work here.

In the short time they’ve been with us, while working out of the HiVE, we’ve seen our productivity levels soar. A revamped website, a new take on our quarterly newsletter, lots of grants to apply for, renewed focus on post jam follow up and project implementation, and a handful of memorable / critical conversations about what the hell we’re even doing.

Nick and Maia, thank you for keeping us on track and focused as the organization continues to evolve.

We will be accepting new applications and setting up interviews for the fall session later this summer. Follow this link to the application if you are interested…

Nerd on!

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