Change Lab Idea Jam – Changing The Change
The Change Lab Jam was a private Jam held with SFU’s Change Lab students and staff. The primary aim of the jam was to engage 20 students from the change lab conceiving, designing and implementing one or more campus sustainability projects at SFU.
The project parameters for students where as follows:
• The term campus is broadly defined as the SFU community — their projects may be focused on the Burnaby campus or on one of the satellite campuses and communities they are situated in. They are assessed not on how successful their projects are but on the process of designing and implementing them.
• The students must choose their own projects and may decide to work as a single team on one large project, or to work on smaller disparate projects in small teams — This has not yet been determined. There are 20 students in the class.
• The projects must be scoped such that they can be executed by the end of April 2013. The Change Lab is only one class for them, 4 hours per week. This is not their only focus, which has to be taken into account while scoping and designing their projects.
• We have encouraged them to piggyback onto existing campus sustainability initiatives, but it is not required
• In total they have access to $3000 to implement their projects, if it is needed
• They must report on their projects, both in a written report and orally. They must also submit a one page project proposal to be approved by the facilitation team before execution.
Photos & Videos from the Jam: