Design Nerd Jam 6.6 – From A to B
Vancouver Design Nerds, Idea Jam 6.6
Friday 19th October, 6:30–10pm
The HiVE, 128 West Hastings, Vancouver
While many of us spend most of our time in walled-environments (home, office, back garden, car) – there is an opportunity to develop relationships to those around us when moving from A to B and thus deepen the level of trust and community we feel with our neighbours and fellow travelers. This shift, from thinking of the devices, methods and services that enable us to get from A to B, to ways that build community and engage citizens.
This Vancouver Design Nerds Jam facilitated collective exploration and creation of new objects, interactions, services and experiences in and around the city to encourage greater levels of, and deeper participation in one anothers lives.
How can we spend more time face-to-face and interact better with those around us that we don’t know? How can we experience sharing a few laughs with others on the bus, the train, the sidewalk? And how do we get serious and tackle one of the most wicked problems of this city: disconnection from one another.