Design Nerd Jam 6.3 – STREET PARK JAM
Come! Jam with us on May 18!
This jam brings together Julien Thomas (Late Nite Art), CoV’s passionate Parks Board and Engineering staff and -you- to generate ideas for turning some of Vancouver’s streets into park land. In support of Vancouver’s greenest city goals, we will focus on how to increase access to nature and consider things like accessibility, history, food production, play, ethnobotany, spatial poetics and more. The way we’ll do this – is by using the Green Streets Game which leads us through collaborative role play scenarios in order to design a shared vision for the future of specific communities.
Bring food & drink to share – this is a potluck affair! All are welcome – come armed with a playful spirit, an open mind, potluck food, and of course – ideas!
RSVP here: