Design Nerd Jam 5.7 – Maker Faire
Saturday June 25
Great Northern Way Campus
Maker Faire Grounds
Participants joined us for a fun Make Jam co-hosted by Vancouver’s first Maker Faire. We made tiny vibrating robots and did all sorts of crazy things, such as racing them, drawing with them, building environments for them, and more.
On Bristlebots by Evil Mad Scientist: The BristleBot is a simple and tiny robot with an agenda. The ingredients? One toothbrush, a battery, and a pager motor. The result? Serious fun. (YouTube video here.) The BristleBot is our take on the popular vibrobot, a simple category of robot that is controlled by a single vibrating (eccentric) motor. Some neat varieties include the mint-tin version as seen in Make Magazine, and the kid’s art bot: a vibrobot with pens for feet.