Climate Change Reset Jam

Identifying Top Actions for Climate Leaders: What is the New Story We Need to Tell?
This Design Jam was the final session of a five-week virtual series organized by SFU Faculty of Environment – Climate Change Reset: Learning from the Global Pandemic. VDN supported process design and provided tech hosting services for the entire series, and and produced a Design Jam for this final session in collaboration with Gen Why Media.
During the Design Jam, Participants were given an introduction to design thinking, as well as a presentation including innovative, cross-sectoral responses to the pandemic that the climate movement may benefit from. Participants built on this foundation and identified ideas and solutions for effective climate leadership. Working collaboratively in VDN-facilitated breakout rooms, participants were asked to identify tangible actions they may take in their personal climate leadership practice.
Hosted by:
- Jesi Carson, Vancouver Design Nerds
- Tara Mahoney, GenWhy Media
Download SFU’s Summary Report for the series, or watch a video recording of our Design Jam session here: